Name: Dominic McCarthy
Duty Station: Grants District Officer
Special Area of Responsibility/Game Mgmt Units: GMU’s 7, 9, 10, 13, Bluewater Lake & Grants Riverwalk pond
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
Length of Service: 1 year and 2 months
Specialty or Interest: Law Enforcement related to Fisheries/Wildlife crimes and biology
Current Projects/Assignments: Angler, hunter, OHV patrols, and school presentations
Best Thing About the Job: The conservation officer concept and being able to impact the states resources in a positive way. Especially when you see things change for the better in your district from your efforts.
Other info you would like to post (hobbies, interests, etc.): Fishing of any kind and hunting

Most Common Question People Have: Are people catching Tiger Muskie, because my bait isn’t working?

Answer: Yes, mainly anglers that are on boats and actively targeting Tiger Muskies with hard & soft lures may catch 1-2 fish a day if lucky. However, normally most anglers doing this will get a few fish to follow their lures. Hotdogs and baits are not going to work anymore since the Tiger Muskie has a natural food source.

Help protect your wildlife!
If you see a violation please report it to the OGT Hotline at 1-800-432-4263.
Contact Information: Phone: (505) 629-3476 | E-mail: