Name: Shawn Carrell
Duty Station: Corporal, Jemez District
Special Area of Responsibility/Game Mgmt Units: GMU 6A,6B,6C, Southern Jemez Mountains
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife and Fishery Science, Eastern New Mexico University.
Length of Service: 7.5 years
Specialty or Interest: Firearms Instructor, Wildlife Capture, Field Training Officer, Recruit School Instructor
Current Projects/Assignments: Firearms instruction, Bear den research, Family Outdoor Day, and monitoring the Jemez Bighorn sheep herd.
Best Thing About the Job: Every day is different; I could be capturing elk one day, law enforcement the next, teaching kids how to fish the day after.

Most Common Question People Have: Will the Valles Caldera National Park remain open to hunting?

Answer: Yes. The Valles Caldera is GMU 6B. This unit is now available as a draw choice in the regular draw. For rules and regulations within the park, refer to page 29 of the NMDGF rules and info booklet, or 575-829-4100.

Help protect your wildlife!
If you see a violation please report it to the OGT Hotline at 1-800-432-4263.
Contact Information: Phone: (505) 328-2572 | E-mail: