Invasive Species and Diseases

Here are just a few of the conservation challenges that threaten to harm New Mexico’s economy, environment and human, animal, or plant health: Aquatic Invasive Species, Chronic Wasting Disease, and Whirling Disease.

Aquatic Invasive Species

An Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) is any non-native plant, animal, or pathogen that can harm our economy, environment and human, animal, or plant health. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, along with state, federal and private partners, are working diligently to stop the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species.
Aquatic Aliens could be a future conservation challange in the state of New Mexico.  You can help!

Chronic Wasting Disease

“Chronic wasting disease” was first recognized by biologists in the 1960s as a disease syndrome of captive deer held in wildlife research facilities in Ft. Collins, CO, but was not recognized as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy until the late 1970s.

Whirling Disease

Although other states have suffered serious losses due to the disease, New Mexico had no indications of the presence of whirling disease until this summer (2004). Bates’ investigation began at the ponds near Raton after he was alerted by Mike Sloane, an assistant chief of fisheries, that fish stocked in private ponds near Raton had come from a private hatchery in Colorado that recently tested positive.